Monthly Archives: November 2012

Hangovers, Home Cooked Meals and Staying Put

Janet and I have the worst case of mover’s hangover I’ve seen in a long time.  We are never moving again.  We mean it this time.  We have moved four times in the last 18 months (I’m not counting going to Sacramento because we just drove down and left all our things in Vancouver).

Of course, you realize this means we’ll find the perfect house in about six months.  We’ll pretend to be interested in the property as a rental, start fixing it up, getting the house just right, and then fall in love and want to move in right away.  That’s just the way we roll; not always the smoothest ride, but never a dull moment in this household.

Janet and I have been spending a lot of time in big box stores, not something we intended to do, but we just can’t seem to help ourselves.  We are being greeted as friends in several Lowes and Home Depots now and we recently went to IKEA to try and figure out creative ways to store all our stuff.  I enjoy spending time in IKEA: not only are those Europeans clever but my pedometer gained quite a few steps on our trips.

Our storage problem is twofold:  (1) we have too much stuff (or crap, depending on my mood), and (2) we moved from a 2000 square foot house with a garage to 1280 square foot condo with a 4 foot by 6 foot back patio and two assigned parking spots.  I only see one solution.  Janet has to get rid of some of her stuff.  Clearly, it’s the easiest and best solution.

After spending two months in California, eating out almost every meal, I can honestly say I am tired of the severe shortage of home cooked meals.  I never thought I would see the day where I couldn’t decide what to eat and I just wanted someone to put food in front of me because the thought of making one more decision on food made me a little queasy.

I’ve always enjoyed eating out but I’ve finally come around to the obvious conclusion that it’s expensive and not very healthy.  I decided this past Sunday, while sitting around watching football, to start planning meals for the upcoming week.  I’m pretty sure Janet thought I was kidding when I mentioned my devious plan on Sunday because when she asked what I’d had for dinner when she called on Wednesday, she was shocked I didn’t say cereal.

I told her I’d made spicy rubbed chicken with a cucumber salad on the side.  She paused so long I thought we’d lost our connection.  She then said, “who are you and what have you done with my girlfriend?”  I told her my decision to eat healthier and save money by cooking more at home and she said, “no, seriously, who are you?”

She won’t be looking for the pod (from the Body Snatchers) because she realized she liked this new Jenn and doesn’t want scare away the version who cooks and cleans up after myself.  I’ve never been a big fan of cooking, but I’ve always loved eating and it works out great when you put those two things together.  So I’ve heard.

I don’t even know where to start talking about our budget (Curse you, Budge!), but I hope cooking more at home, and eating out less, will help with the devastation Budge had to endure during the endless month of November.  Isn’t this financial disaster of a month over with yet?  Buying a condo, moving and having to buy new appliances, not to mention startup fees with our friendly neighborhood utilities, has been an expensive endeavor.

I look forward to the day we can put the move and expenses behind us and look forward.  Sitting here in my new living room, on my giant purple couch, I can see three or four dozen boxes which need to be sorted and unpacked.  That’s the easy part; deciding where to put these things (crap) is another story.  My head hurts.  I am never moving again.


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I’m Very Thankful

Happy Thanksgiving!

I don’t know about you, but I’m filled to the brim with things I’m thankful for, such as:

Janet and Jessie: Without whom life wouldn’t be worth much.  They make everything better, kinda like butter.

Family and Friends: Near and far, new and long term; always surround yourself with good people.  It reflects well on you.  I, for one, can use more of that.

Our Country: Of all the places to give birth to a daughter, the USA is one of the best.

My Life: Some might look back on my life and see mistakes I’ve made.  Those people would be wrong.  I wouldn’t change a thing in my past because all those choices have led me to this very spot and this very moment.  I wouldn’t change places with anyone out there, not for anything.

Newspapers: I’m old school, I can’t help it.  I want to support the local paper and I think our Budge understands.  Plus, the Seattle Times has Wordsearch, Sudoku, and KenKen!  Janet loved today’s paper: it was filled with an ad from every store in a hundred mile radius.

Movies: I just love movies.  I love going to a theater and immersing myself in a story other than my own.  Janet and I just went, this morning, to see Skyfall and loved it!  I think Daniel Craig is the best Bond, hands down.  Sorry Mom, Sean Connery was before my time.

Cooking early for Thanksgiving:  Janet starts the cooking process a few days before Thanksgiving, so on the actual day, we can sit around, eat leftovers, and catch up on our Hulu TV watching.

Books: Where would we be without books?  I love them.  I love to visit libraries. I’ve held a library card in every city I’ve been. I love to wander around used bookstores and immerse myself in words and images.

Coffee:  I grew up in Seattle so you’d think my first encounter with a cup of coffee would have been at Starbucks.  That’s not true.  I didn’t start drinking coffee until I moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma.  True story.  My favorite part of Sunday mornings?  CBS Sunday Morning TV show, the Sunday paper, and a full pot of coffee.

That’s all I can think of at the moment.  What are you thankful for?


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Home, At Last

It has been a crazy couple of weeks. We closed on our little home, drove up from Sacramento, and just picked up most of our stuff from Vancouver. Next blog post I’ll tell you about the Budget truck rental debacle. Not good. I don’t like it when people waste my time and money; I like doing that all on my own. I’m quite good at it.
Cleaning other people’s dirt is not my favorite job, but I’m too cheap to have someone else do it for me. I do like painting, but I need to wear my respirator next time. I’ve lost a few brain cells this past week. Not in a good way.
Our new appliances arrive tomorrow and the cable guy comes out on Saturday. It’s been very quiet around here with just me and no TV. When the carpet guy came on Tuesday, I followed him around, asking about his life before he politely asked me to get off the carpet. We’ll see if the delivery guys/cable guys are friendlier.

ps. Am I the only one who loves going to Starbucks to order a tall blonde?

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Happy Blog-iversary and Voting Power

I’ve been writing this blog for about a year now.  Oh, how the time flies.  I was hoping to be an expert blogger by now but still haven’t figured most things out.  I’m thrilled to think I’m writing, this blog, my 51st.  Not that I don’t finish things I start…it’s just my mind starts to wander…where was I?

I’ve had 1,104 views so far, 42 views as the biggest viewing day one year ago today, Nov 1st, and I have 19 whole followers.  I want to thank you people, each and every one of you, for making my day when you decided to join.

Feel free to repost anything you see in the Wallingford blog (I just ask that you give me credit) and use any expressions or jokes you like as if they were your own.  I do the same thing: I hear something I consider funny, use it so much it becomes my own, and then forget I ever heard it outside of my head.  Ah, the joys of too few brain cells.

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions for blog posts.  Is there any topic you can think of where you would like my opinion?  Trust me, I am full of opinions.  Janet tells me all the time how full of it I am.

Voting: Janet and I have spent the last month thinking we wouldn’t be able to vote, in Washington state, stuck here in California.  But then Janet did a crazy thing: She called the Washington voting people and asked them if we could vote absentee.  Where does Janet come up with these ideas!?  Brilliant!

When I called the voting people and asked if they would send me an absentee ballot she said, “um, all Washingtonians vote by absentee ballot, ma’am.”  Ouch.  Ma’am?  I’m not sure what bothers me more: being called ‘young lady’ by someone born in the ‘90s or ‘ma’am’ by someone who sounds old enough to remember Jesus wearing knickers.

Janet, especially, was bothered by the fact we couldn’t vote.  She hasn’t missed an election yet since she’s been old enough.  I’m pretty sure I missed at least one while nursing a hangover; hard to remember, though.  Janet doesn’t have a choice, she has to vote.  She’s a political science major; it’s in the fine print.  I was excited about Janet’s science degree – hey! me too! – until she sat me down to explain.  I’m still not sure I understand.  Wait…not that kind of science?

So, to say we are excited about the prospects of voting in Washington State, especially this year, is an understatement.  We are over-the-moon happy to throw our opinions on top of the heap.  This way, since we will vote, we can complain loudly if it doesn’t go our way.  It’s a known fact:  you can’t complain about the government unless you vote.

The voter registration lady informed me, very seriously, that I had to walk into the office and inform them of my new address as soon as I could.  I told her not to worry, we finally got word we’re closing on our new home next week and I will come see her personally.  She didn’t sound as thrilled as I thought she should.

Book 2 update: I finished the first draft of book 2 in the Vancouver Series, Alex’s Story, and will start the next draft in a couple of weeks.  You haven’t read book 1 yet?  What are you waiting for?  Head over to Smashwords: to check out Devan’s Story and my unnaturally large bicep.  Seriously?  Who stuffs a sock in their t-shirt?

If Smashwords doesn’t work for you and you prefer Amazon:  If you want to send me an email:  Thank you, very very much.


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